Recolección de basura residencial
Cumplimos nuestras promesas con las comunidades a las que servimos para la recolección de basura residencial. Honrar nuestros compromisos brinda tranquilidad a tu comunidad. Operamos con integridad como uno de nuestros valores fundamentales.

Solicitar recolección residencial
Con expertos listos para ayudar, ofrecemos precios transparentes y un servicio confiable para que la gestión de residuos sea sencilla para ti.

Seleccione un servicio cercano que se adapte a sus necesidades

Asegúrate de que su basura esté debidamente preparada y lista para su recolección

Nuestro equipo recoge los residuos según la opción de servicio que haya elegido.
Residential Garbage Pickup with Vail Honeywagon
Residential Waste Services
Full-time and part-time residents can have their trash picked up weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or on-call. Vail Honeywagon services residential waste needs throughout the Vail Valley.
Vail Service
Trash services within the Town of Vail, are regulated by the city. Per Town of Vail ordinances, your trash removal rate is determined by the size of your trash container, recycling is required and the size of your recycling can does not affect your trash rate.
Vail Honeywagon offers waste collection in 96-gallon containers and recycling in either 96-gallon carts or 18-gallon bins depending on the type of recycling collected in your community in the Vail Valley.
32 gal
64 gal
96 gal
64 gal
96 gal
Community Contracts
Vail Honeywagon is the exclusive service provider for the following communities:
Vail Honeywagon also provides competitive rates and services throughout the Vail and Eagle Valleys.
Our customer service representatives are happy to assist you with any questions regarding your waste and recycling services. For questions regarding your rates and service fees please contact your Town or governing Home Owners Association or Contact Us.
Additional Offerings
For your convenience, we can pull your trash out and return the container after servicing it for an additional fee. Please ask out Customer Service Representatives about this exclusive VIP service.
Please call in advance for pick up of bulk items or extra bags of trash outside of the container. Fees apply, please call our office for pricing 970-476-3511
Yard Waste can be placed at the curb next to your trash bin and it will be collected as landfill waste on your regularly scheduled trash day for an extra charge
*Check out the Honeywagon Organics compost facility for options on diverting yard waste from the landfill and cycling valuable nutrients back into our soil.
Animal Resistant Containers are mandatory in most neighborhoods! Please be sure to place residential containers out only on trash days and after pick-up please bring them back inside.
If you live in an area that requires animal resistant containers, you are required to provide and maintain your own certified containers. Certified containers are usually available at Ace hardware in Vail, Home Depot in Avon, and Ace Hardware in Gypsum.
*Please note that bears in the Rocky Mountains can be persistent when pursuing a tasty treat from your trash, and no plastic container is completely bear-proof, so it is important that you store your animal-resistant trash receptacle in a secure place between collection services.
Curbside recycling services can be added to any residential account, please ask our customer service representatives for details or check out our recycling page to see which type of recycling sorting is required in your area.

Toma la iniciativa de desechar las baterías de forma segura
Maneja las baterías con cuidado para evitar incendios. Nunca las arrojes a contenedores junto a la acera; aprende más de cómo desecharlas aquí
La ubicación de su bote de basura es importante

La colocación correcta de su bote de basura garantizará la recolección satisfactoria de la basura, los materiales reciclables o los desechos del jardín.
La mayoría de los camiones de recolección están equipados con un brazo electrónico automatizado que agarra y vacía el contenedor. Este proceso eficiente agiliza la recolección y previene posibles lesiones.